HARBINGERS of SPRING It was mid February and I was out for a walk on a snowy and cold monochromatic day that seemed to defy movement and color. Everything was still—so still. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I caught an impression of deep blue as several blurs of movement flashed past me. Five male Virginia Bluebirds, resplendent in their cobalt blue topcoats and tails They were busy scouting out appropriate territory for their ladies to nest in. In a few weeks the women will arrive. When they do, the males will sing and sing in an attempt to attract a female to their nesting site, and to keep other males out. If the female feels that the selected nesting site is suitable, by April she will begin the arduous task of building a nest. Comprised of dry grass or pine needles, the nest is shaped like a cup. Photo courtesy of Skyler Ewing Male Eastern Bluebird Each day the female lays a single egg, until three to six are nestled snugly in the nest. Usually the eggs are a delicate tu...