
Showing posts from July, 2024
  Ethereal Beings   One April day I opened my front door and my attention was immediately drawn to loud munching coming from the vine directly in front of me. I stared at the source of the sound, willing the culprit who was devouring the vine to become visible. Nothing. The sound continued unabated. I was puzzled. Why couldn’t I see the guilty party, when the source of the sound was literally right under my nose? He didn’t even try to carry out his work stealthily, but undaunted by my presence—continued his loud, defiant munching. As the minutes ticked by, I became more and more determined to find out just who or what was making the sound. As I peered into the tangled network of leaves, I spied a small furry head with what appeared to be button-sized ears moving rhythmically with the munching. What I thought to be ears unfurled and became two feathery antennae. I could hardly believe it—yes it was! I realized that I was witnessing a moth chewing its way out of the cocoon. And not